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The BytePlus Effects extension encapsulates the core APIs of the BytePlus Effects SDK. This guide is provided by Voicemod. Agora is planning a documentation upgrade program for all extensions on the marketplace. Please stay tuned.

Understand the tech

The BytePlus Effects extension encapsulates the core APIs of the BytePlus Effects SDK. By calling the setExtensionProperty or setExtensionPropertyWithVendor method of the Agora Video SDK v4.x and passing in the corresponding key and value, you can quickly integrate BytePlus's capabilities.

Taking setExtensionProperty as an example, the key is named after the BytePlus API, and the value wraps either certain or all of the parameters of that API in JSON. When you call setExtensionProperty and pass in the pair of key and value, it is equivalent to calling the corresponding BytePlus API. The case is the same for setExtensionPropertyWithVendor.

Currently, the extension encapsulates part of the APIs of the BytePlus Effects SDK. For details, see the key-value overview.


The development environment has to meet the following requirements:

  • Android Studio 4.1 or later.
  • A physical device (not an emulator) running Android 5.0 or later.


The BytePlus Effects extension works together with the Video SDK v4.x. Refer to the following doc to integrate the SDK and start a basic video call:

Integrate the extension

  1. In Agora Console, download the Android package of BytePlus Effects.

  2. Unzip the package, and save all .aar files to the /app/libs path of your project folder.

  3. Contact Agora to get the resource package of the BytePlus extension. Save the files you need to the /app/src/main/assets path of the project folder. For details, see Resource package structure.

  4. In the app/build.gradle file, add the following line in dependencies:

    implementation fileTree(dir: "libs", include: ["*.jar", "*.aar"])

  5. Import the required classes:

    import io.agora.rtc2.Constants;
    import io.agora.rtc2.IMediaExtensionObserver;
    import io.agora.rtc2.IRtcEngineEventHandler;
    import io.agora.rtc2.RtcEngine;
    import io.agora.rtc2.RtcEngineConfig;
    import io.agora.rte.extension.bytedance.ExtensionManager;

Call sequence

This section describes the call sequence of using the extension. For a detailed parameter description, see the API reference.

Step 1: Enable the extension

When initializing RtcEngine, call enableExtension to enable the extension:

private void enableExtension(boolean enabled) {
// Initialize ExtensionManager before calling enableExtension
mRtcEngine.enableExtension("ByteDance", "Effect", enabled);

Step 2: Initialize the extension

To initialize the extension, call setExtensionProperty, and pass in the corresponding keys and values:

  1. Check the license Set the key as bef_effect_ai_check_license and the value as the path of the license file LicenseBag.bundle.
  2. Initialize the effects Set the key as bef_effect_ai_init and the value as the path of the model file ModelResource.bundle and the device name.

Take Android as an example:

private void initExtension() {
String[] resources = new String[] {"byte_dance/LicenseBag.bundle", "byte_dance/ModelResource.bundle"};
loadBundle(resources, () -> {
File destFile = getExternalFilesDir(null);
// Gets the path of the license file
File licensePath = new File(
"byte_dance/LicenseBag.bundle/" + io.agora.rte.extension.bytedance.example.Constants.mLicenseName);
// Check the license
try {
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject();
jsonObject.put("licensePath", licensePath.getPath());
setExtensionProperty("bef_effect_ai_check_license", jsonObject.toString());
} catch (JSONException e) {
Log.e(TAG, e.toString());
// Gets the path of the model file
File strModelDir = new File(destFile, "byte_dance/ModelResource.bundle");
// Initializes the effects
try {
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject();
jsonObject.put("strModelDir", strModelDir.getPath());
jsonObject.put("deviceName", "");
setExtensionProperty("bef_effect_ai_init", jsonObject.toString());
} catch (JSONException e) {
Log.e(TAG, e.toString());
// Set whether the overlay effects can coexist with stickers
try {
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject();
jsonObject.put("mode", 1);
jsonObject.put("orderType", 0);
setExtensionProperty("bef_effect_ai_composer_set_mode", jsonObject.toString());
} catch (JSONException e) {
Log.e(TAG, e.toString());
// Only updates the key and value when calling setExtensionProperty
private void setExtensionProperty(String key, String property) {
mRtcEngine.setExtensionProperty("ByteDance", "Effect", key, property);

Step 3: Configure effects

Call setExtensionProperty, and pass in the corresponding keys and values. You can implement the following functions:

  • Set the orientation of the mobile phone
  • Set superimposed effects (face beautification, shape beautification, and beauty makeup) and their intensity
  • Set stickers
  • Set filters and their intensity

You can call the method as needed. For a full list of keys and values, see the API reference.


Sample project

The complete sample code and project is provided on GitHub:

PlatformLanguageSample project

API reference

This section lists the APIs related to using extensions with the Agora SDK.

BytePlus key-value overview

This section might not provide the latest information. You can find a more detailed explanation from Effects Interface - C, where you use the name of the key to search the corresponding API.

To implement the BytePlus Effects extension in your app, pass in the corresponding key-value pair when calling setExtensionProperty or setExtensionPropertyWithVendor:

Check the license
  • key: bef_effect_ai_check_license
  • value: licensePath. String. The path of the license file.

See Special effects handle license.

Initialize effects
  • key: bef_effect_ai_init
  • value: The value includes:
    • strModelDir: String. The path of the resource file.
    • deviceName: String. The device name. Generally you can enter an empty string ("").

See Initialize special effects handle.

Set coexistence of stickers and superimposed effects
  • key: bef_effect_ai_composer_set_mode
  • value: The value includes:
    • mode: Int.
      • 0: Do not allow such coexistence.
      • 1: Allow such coexistence.
    • orderType: Int. The rendering order of effects and stickers. For now you need to set it as 0.

See Set whether the overlay effects may coexist with stickers.

Set the phone orientation
  • key: bef_effect_ai_set_orientation
  • value: orientation. The parameter type is bef_ai_rotate_type. You can set it to 0 (no rotation), 1(rotate 90 degrees clockwise), 2(rotate 180 degrees clockwise), or 3(rotate 270 degrees clockwise.

See Set the phone angle.

Set superimposed effects
  • key: bef_effect_ai_composer_set_nodes
  • value: nodePaths. A string array containing the paths of each effect resource.

See Set superimposed effects.

Set the intensity of superimposed effects
  • key: bef_effect_ai_composer_update_node
  • value: The value includes:
    • nodePath: String. The path of the effect resource.
    • nodeTag: String. The key of the effect. See Functions of Resource Keys.
    • value: Float. The intensity of a single node for the combined effects.

See Set the intensity of superimposed effects.

Set stickers
  • key: bef_effect_ai_set_effect
  • value: strPath. String. The path of the effect resource.

See Set stickers.

Set filters
  • key: bef_effect_ai_set_color_filter_v2
  • value: strPath. String. The path of the effect resource.

See Set filters.

Set filter intensity
  • key: bef_effect_ai_set_intensity
  • value: fIntensity. Float. The value ranges between [0.0, 1.0], where 0 means disabling the filter.

See Set filter intensity.