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QPS-based pricing

This page explains how Agora calculates your monthly bill for file conversion using QPS-based pricing. If you have already signed a contract with Agora, the billing terms and conditions within that contract take precedence.

QPS-based file conversion pricing

The unit prices are as follows:

File conversion Monthly average QPS Unit price Pricing
File conversion to image Sum of daily QPS/number of calendar days in the month US$ 89/QPS Sum of monthly average QPS × 89
File conversion to web page Sum of daily QPS/number of calendar days in the month

① Decimals are rounded off when calculating the monthly average QPS.

By default, the file conversion feature provided by Interactive Whiteboard processes one file conversion request per second, that is, the queries per second (QPS) value equals 1, and billing for this feature is based on the number of pages successfully converted.

If the default QPS value does not meet your needs because your whiteboard project requires a larger number of concurrent conversion requests per second, you can contact to adjust the project's QPS configurations and start QPS-based billing.

Cost calculation

Each month, Agora calculates the charges for each whiteboard project that adopts QPS-based billing by adding together the monthly average QPS for each type of conversion and multiplying the sum by the unit price.

Note the following:

  • If the file conversion feature is enabled in multiple data centers under your whiteboard project, Agora calculates the monthly average QPS of each data center and adds them together to get the total monthly average QPS for the project.
  • If you have configured QPS-based billing for multiple whiteboard projects under your account, the total monthly file conversion cost is equal to the sum of the file conversion costs for each project.


This section illustrates how Agora calculates the cost for file conversion using QPS-based pricing.

Suppose that you have enabled the file conversion feature in the Hangzhou data center for whiteboard project A, and that the file conversion feature in other data centers for the same project remains disabled. You expect a surge in concurrent file conversion requests from said project. Therefore, you send the following information to to request adjustments to the project's QPS configurations:

  • The App Identifier for whiteboard project A.
  • Data center: Hangzhou, China.
  • Required QPS limit for file conversion to images: 5.
  • Required QPS limit for file conversion to web pages: 10.
  • Effective date: April 1, 2022.

After the new configuration takes effect, the QPS-based file conversion charges for April are as follows:

File conversion Daily QPS Number of days of the month Monthly average QPS Unit price Pricing
File conversion to image 5 30 (5 × 30)/30 = 5 US$ 89/QPS (5 + 10 ) × 89 = US$ 1,335
File conversion to web page 10 30 (10 × 30)/30 = 10

Now suppose that this QPS configuration soon proves to be insufficient for your business needs, so you contact once again to increase the QPS value for file conversion to images from 5 to 11, and you request that this change take effect on April 11.

In this case, Agora takes the changing value of QPS value into account when calculating the file conversion charges for April as follows:

File conversion Daily QPS Number of days of the month Monthly average QPS Unit price Pricing
File conversion to image
  • April 1 to 10: 5
  • April 11 to 30: 11
30 (5 × 10 + 11 × 20)/30 = 9 US$ 89/QPS US$ (9 + 10 ) × 89 = 1,691 yuan
File conversion to web page 10 30 (10 × 30)/30 = 10


This section provides additional information for your reference.

QPS-based pricing considerations

If you decide to apply for QPS-based billing for the file conversion of your whiteboard project, note the following considerations:

  • QPS-based billing and billing based on the number of converted pages are mutually exclusive; you may only select one billing method for a project.
  • After the successful configuration of QPS-based billing for a whiteboard project, Agora no longer includes the project's file conversion usage in the monthly cumulative number of pages converted, and no longer offers a free usage quota.
  • After QPS-based billing is configured, your monthly bill differs from your default bill. Also, your actual billing terms and conditions are subject to the contract you have signed with Agora.

Configure the QPS

When contacting to configure QPS-based billing, you need to provide the following information:

  • The App Identifier of the whiteboard project whose QPS needs to be adjusted. For details, see Get security credentials for your whiteboard project.

  • The applicable data center. Make sure you have enabled the file conversion feature in this data center. For details, see Enable whiteboard server-side features.

    If the file conversion feature is enabled in multiple data centers under the whiteboard project, switching to QPS-based billing for one data center switches all the others to QPS-based billing as well, with a QPS value of 1. If you do not need the file conversion feature in any of the other data centers, you can avoid the additional charges by disabling the file conversion feature in those data centers. If the other data centers do use the file conversion feature, however, note that you can configure the QPS for those data centers separately.

  • The daily QPS requirements for file-to-image, which must be a positive integer.

  • The daily QPS requirements for file-to-web-page, which must be a positive integer.

  • The date you want the new QPS limit to take effect.

Once a new QPS configuration is completed, it normally takes effect within an hour.

Agora supports adjusting the QPS as needed. Note that a day's notice is required to modify a QPS configuration, so if you anticipate a surge in your project's concurrent file conversion requests, be sure to plan accordingly.

See also