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Analytics REST API reference

Before working with the RESTful APIs, review the Agora Analytics features in Agora Console to gain a visual understanding of the quality and usage metrics that are available. For details, see the following user guides:


Before using the Agora RESTful API, you need to pass the basic HTTP authentication.

Data format

All requests are sent to the host:

  • Request: The request uses query string parameters in the URL.

  • Response: The response content is in JSON format.

Call Inspector

With the Call Inspector RESTful APIs, you can search for calls with quality issues and obtain detailed metrics about call quality.

API limits

The limits of the Call Inspector RESTful APIs depend on the pricing plan you subscribe to.

The Starter, Standard, Premium, and Enterprise pricing plans have the following differences in terms of API limits:

  • Endpoint is /beta/analytics/call/lists:
Request frequencyN/ANo more than 1/second and 1,000/dayNo more than 3/second and 2,000/dayNo more than 10/second and 10,000/day
Available dataN/AWithin the past 1 dayWithin the past 7 daysWithin the past 15 days
Response contentN/AA maximum of 8 hours of dataA maximum of 16 hours of dataA maximum of 24 hours of data
Data delayN/A60 seconds20 seconds20 seconds
  • Endpoint is /beta/analytics/call/sessions or /beta/analytics/call/metrics:
Request frequencyN/ANo more than 1/second and 1,000/dayNo more than 3/second and 2,000/dayNo more than 10/second and 10,000/day
Available dataN/AWithin the past 1 dayWithin the past 7 daysWithin the past 15 days
Response contentN/AA maximum of 1 hours of dataA maximum of 3 hours of dataA maximum of 6 hours of data
Data delayN/A300 seconds150 seconds100 seconds

Get call list

This method gets a list of the calls that meet the search criteria.

  • Method: GET

  • Endpoint: /beta/analytics/call/lists

Request parameters

The following query string parameters are required in the URL as search criteria:

start_tsNumberThe starting time of the search time frame. Unix time (in seconds since 1 January 1970) in UTC.
end_tsNumberThe ending time of the search time frame. Unix time (in seconds since 1 January 1970) in UTC.
cnameString(Optional) The channel name.
appidStringApp ID of your project.
page_noNumber(Optional) The page number. The default is 1.
page_sizeNumber(Optional) The number of calls on each page. The default is 20 and the maximum is 100.

HTTP request example

GET /beta/analytics/call/lists?start_ts=1550024508&end_ts=1550025508&appid=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx&page_no=1&page_size=20 HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Basic ZGJhZDMyNmFkxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxWQzYTczNzg2ODdiMmNiYjRh

Response example

"code": 200,
"message": "",
"requestId": "bxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx4",
"total_size": 101,
"page_no": 1,
"page_size": 20,
"has_more": false,
"call_lists": [
"call_id": "cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"cname": "cname1",
"created_ts": 1547448383,
"destroyed_ts": 1547448483,
"finished": true


  • code: Number. The status code.

  • message: String. The error message.

  • requestId: String. The unique identifier of the HTTP request corresponding to this HTTP response.

  • total_size: Number. The total number of returned calls.

  • page_no: Number. The page number.

  • page_size: Number. The number of calls on each page.

  • has_more: Boolean. Whether there are calls not included in call_lists. true represents that some calls that meet the search criteria are not listed. If the call you need is not in call_lists, try narrowing the search and resend the request.

  • call_lists: JSONArray. The returned calls in descending order of the starting time. Each call has the following properties:

  • call_id: String. The unique ID of the call.

  • cname: String. The channel name.

  • created_ts: Number. The starting time of the call. Unix time (in seconds since 1 January 1970) in UTC.

  • destroyed_ts: Number. The ending time of the call. Unix time (in seconds since 1 January 1970) in UTC.

  • finished: Boolean. Whether the call has finished or is still ongoing.

Get session details

This method gets the detailed call statistics of users by specifying the unique ID of the call.

  • Method: GET

  • Endpoint: /beta/analytics/call/sessions

Request parameters

The following query string parameters are required in the URL to specify the call ID and statistics:

start_tsNumberThe starting time of the call. Unix time (in seconds since 1 January 1970) in UTC.
end_tsNumberThe ending time of the call. Unix time (in seconds since 1 January 1970) in UTC.
call_idStringThe unique ID of the call.
page_noNumber(Optional) The page number. The default is 1.
page_sizeNumber(Optional) The number of user sessions on each page. The default is 20 and the maximum is 100. To implement pagination, you need to specify a value for both page_no and page_size.
uidsString(Optional) The list of user IDs separated by commas (for example, uids=10001,10002,10003). You can specify a maximum of 10 user IDs. A user ID may occur twice in the list according to the actual scenario. Therefore, if you specify 10 user IDs in the request, 10 or more user IDs are returned.
appidStringApp ID of your project.
exclude_server_userBoolean(Optional) Whether to exclude Linux users. true by default, which represents excluding Linux users.

HTTP request example

GET /beta/analytics/call/sessions?start_ts=1548665345&end_ts=1548670821&appid=axxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx&call_id=cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx&page_no=1&page_size=20&uids=uxx1,uxx2 HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Basic ZGJhZDMyNmFkxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxWQzYTczNzg2ODdiMmNiYjRh

Response example

"code": 200,
"message": "",
"requestId": "bxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx4",
"total_size": 101,
"page_no": 1,
"page_size": 20,
"call_info": [
"sid": "EDB224CCF4FB4F99815C24302BDF3301",
"cname": "15056678066620",
"uid": 630985881,
"network": "Wi-Fi",
"platform": "Android",
"speaker": true,
"sdk_version": "",
"device_type": "Android (6.0)",
"join_ts": 1548670251,
"leave_ts": 1548670815,
"finished": true


  • code: Number. The status code.

  • message: String. The error message.

  • requestId: String. The unique identifier of the HTTP request corresponding to this HTTP response.

  • total_size: Number. The total number of returned user sessions.

  • page_no: Number. The page number.

  • page_size: Number. The number of user sessions on each page.

  • call_info: JSONArray. Information of each user in the call in descending order of the joining time per page. Each user has the following properties:

  • sid: String. The unique ID of the user session.

  • cname: String. The channel name.

  • uid: Number. The user ID.

  • network: String. The network type.

  • platform: String. The platform.

  • speaker: Boolean. Whether or not the user speaks in the call.

  • sdk_version: String. The SDK version.

  • device_type: String. The type of the device used by the user.

  • join_ts: Number. The time when the user joins the call. Unix time (in seconds since 1 January 1970) in UTC.

  • leave_ts: Number. The time when the user leaves the call. Unix time (in seconds since 1 January 1970) in UTC.

  • finished: Boolean. Whether the user is in the call or has left it.

Get quality metrics

Gets the quality metrics of a specified call.

  • Method: GET

  • Endpoint: /beta/analytics/call/metrics

Request parameters

The following query string parameters are required in the URL to specify the call:

start_tsNumberThe starting time of the call. Unix time (in seconds since 1 January 1970) in UTC.
end_tsNumberThe ending time of the call. Unix time (in seconds since 1 January 1970) in UTC.
appidStringApp ID of your project.
call_idStringThe unique ID of the call.
sidsStringThe list of user session IDs separated by commas, for example, sids=SXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX1,SXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX2. You can specify a maximum of 20 user session IDs.

HTTP request example

GET /beta/analytics/call/metrics?start_ts=1548665345&end_ts=1548670821&appid=axxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx&call_id=cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx&sids=sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1,sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx2,sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx3 HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Basic ZGJhZDMyNmFkxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxWQzYTczNzg2ODdiMmNiYjRh

Response example

"code": 200,
"message": "",
"requestId": "bxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx4",
"metrics": [
"sid": "EDB224CCF4FB4F99815C24302BDF3301",
"data": [
"mid": 20003,
"kvs": [
"peer_uid": 0

  • code: Number. The status code.

  • message: String. The error message.

  • requestId: String. The unique identifier of the HTTP request corresponding to this HTTP response.

  • metrics: JSONArray. Detailed quality metrics of each user session (sid). Each user session includes the following properties:

  • sid: String. The unique ID of the user session.

  • data: Array. The quality metrics of the user session.

  • mid: Number. The ID of the metric. See Metrics ID for details.

  • kvs: Array. Pairs of the timestamp and the corresponding metric value.

  • peer_uid: Number. The user ID of the remote user. 0 represents that the returned metrics are the local user’s.

Data Insights

With the Data Insights RESTful APIs, you can query the usage and quality metrics within a specified time frame.

API limits

The limits of the Data Insights RESTful APIs depend on the pricing plan you subscribe to.

The Starter, Standard, Premium, and Enterprise pricing plans have the following differences in terms of API limits:

  • Endpoint is /beta/insight/usage/by_time:
Request frequencyN/AN/ANo more than 3/minute and 40/dayNo more than 10/minute and 60/day
Available dataN/AN/AWithin the past 14 daysWithin the past 30 days
Query time frameN/AN/ANo longer than 3 daysNo longer than 7 days
Data granularityN/AN/APer day and hourPer day and hour
Data delayN/AN/A12 hours6 hours
  • Endpoint is /beta/insight/quality/by_time:
Request frequencyN/AN/ANo more than 3/minute and 40/dayNo more than 10/minute and 60/day
Available dataN/AN/AWithin the past 14 daysWithin the past 30 days
Query time frameN/AN/ANo longer than 3 daysNo longer than 7 days
Data granularityN/AN/APer day, hour, and minutePer day, hour, and minute
Data delayN/AN/A6 hours6 hours

Query usage metrics

This method queries usage metrics such as the number of users or channels.

  • Method: GET

  • Endpoint: /beta/insight/usage/by_time

Request parameters

The following query string parameters are required in the URL:

Parameter Type Description



The start point (Unix timestamp) of the time frame to query.



The end point (Unix timestamp) of the time frame to query.



The App ID of your project.



The metrics you want to query. You can set it to one of the following:

userCount: The total number of users across all channels. A user joining the same channel with different user IDs or joining different channels with the same user ID is counted multiple times.

sessionCount: The total count of users joining channels. Each time any user ID joins any channel is counted.

channelCount: The total number of channels. A channel is counted once for each period of time between when the first user joins it until the last user leaves it.

peakCurrentChannels: The maximum number of channels in use.

peakCurrentUsers: The maximum number of in-call users across channels.

totalDuration: The total duration of video and audio-only calls calculated by the number of users

totalVideoDuration: The total duration of video calls calculated by the number of users.

totalAudioDuration: The total duration of audio-only calls calculated by the number of users



The level of time-related detail in the returned data. You can only set it to 1d, which returns the values corresponding to 12:00 am (UTC) on each day within the specified time frame.

HTTP request example

The following example queries the total number of users across all channels starting from 8:00 am on July 1, 2021 to 8:00 am on July 3, 2021:

GET /beta/insight/usage/by_time?startTs=1625097600&endTs=1625270400&appid=axxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx&metric=userCount&aggregateGranularity=1d HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Basic ZGJhZDMyNmFkxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxWQzYTczNzg2ODdiMmNiYjRh

Response example

The response for the previous HTTP request example is as follows:

"code": 200,
"message": "success",
"data": [
"userCount": 42,
"ts": 1625155200
"userCount": 37,
"ts": 1625241600

The response contains the following fields:

  • code: Number. The status code.

  • message: String. The success or error message.

  • data: JSONArray, an array of JSON objects. Each JSON object contains a Unix timestamp representing 12:00 am (UTC) on each day within the specified time frame and the corresponding value of the specified metrics. In the case of the previous request example, two JSON objects should be returned: one for 12:00 am on July 2, 2021, the other for 12:00 am on July 3, 2021.

  • userCount: Number. Total number of users across all channels.

  • ts: Number. Unix timestamp.

Query quality metrics

This method queries quality metrics such as the audio or video freeze rate.

  • Method: GET

  • Endpoint: /beta/insight/quality/by_time

Request parameters

The following query string parameters are required in the URL:

Parameter Type Description



The start point (Unix timestamp) of the time frame to query.



The end point (Unix timestamp) of the time frame to query.



The App ID of your project.



The metrics you want to query. You can set it to one of the following:

joinSuccessRate: The rate at which users attempting to join any channel succeed, which equals Number of users who have joined ÷ Number of attempts to join.

joinSuccessIn5sRate: The rate at which users attempting to join any channel succeed within 5 seconds, which equals Number of users who have joined within 5 seconds ÷ Number of attempts to join.

audioFreezeRate: The rate at which audio freezing occurs, which equals Total audio freeze time ÷ Total audio minutes calculated by the number of streams. Only audio freezes longer than 200 milliseconds are counted.

videoFreezeRate: The rate at which video freezing occurs, which equals Total video freeze time ÷ Total video minutes calculated by the number of streams. Only video freezes longer than 600 milliseconds are counted.

networkDelay: The rate at which network delay occurs, which equals Total end-to-end network delay ÷ Total audio and video minutes calculated by the number of streams. Only end-to-end network delays longer than 400 milliseconds are counted.



The level of time-related detail in the returned data. You can set it to one of the following:

1d, which returns the metrics corresponding to 12:00 am (UTC) on each day within the specified time frame.

1h, which returns the metrics corresponding to every hour within the specified time frame.



The product for which you want to query the metrics. You can set it to:

Native: The Agora Video SDK for Android, iOS, macOS, and Windows.

WebRTC: The Agora Video SDK for Web.

HTTP request example

The following example queries the hourly network delay rate starting from 8:00 am on July 1, 2021 to 8:00 am on July 2, 2021:

GET /beta/insight/quality/by_time?startTs=1625097600&endTs=1625184000&appid=axxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx&metric=networkDelay&aggregateGranularity=1h&productType=Native HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Basic ZGJhZDMyNmFkxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxWQzYTczNzg2ODdiMmNiYjRh

Response example

The response for the previous HTTP request example is as follows:

"code": 200,
"message": "success",
"data": [
"networkDelay": 0.064762,
"ts": 1625097600
"networkDelay": 0.028156,
"ts": 1625101200
"networkDelay": 0.03765,
"ts": 1625184000

The response contains the following fields:

  • code: Number. The status code.

  • message: String. The success or error message.

  • data: JSONArray, an array of JSON objects. Each JSON object contains a Unix timestamp representing every hour within the specified time frame and the corresponding value of the specified metrics. In the case of the previous request example, 25 JSON objects should be returned. The first one is for 8:00 am on July 1, 2021, the second for 9:00 am on July 1, 2021, and so on. The last one is for 8:00 am on July 2, 2021.

  • networkDelay: Number. The network delay rate.

  • ts: Number. Unix timestamp.

Real-time Monitoring

With the Real-time Monitoring RESTful APIs, you can query the scale and quality metrics within a specified time frame. The granularity of the returned data is seconds, which can reflect the actual situation in close to real time.

The data is returned in regular 20-second time windows starting from 00:00:00. For example, [00:00:00, 00:00:20] is a time window, while [00:00:10, 00:00:30] is not a time window.

API limits

The limits of the Real-time Monitoring RESTful APIs depend on the pricing plan you subscribe to.

The Starter, Standard, Premium, and Enterprise pricing plans have the following differences in terms of API limits:

Request frequencyN/AN/ANo more than 3/minute and 480/dayNo more than 10/minute and 1440/day
Available dataN/AN/AWithin the past 40 minutesWithin the past 60 minutes
Query time frameN/AN/ANo longer than 40 minutesNo longer than 60 minutes
Data delayN/AN/A40 seconds20 seconds

Query real-time scale metrics

This method queries the real-time number of users and channels.

  • Method: GET

  • Endpoint: /beta/realtime/usage/by_time_20sec

Request parameters

The following query string parameters are required in the URL:

Parameter Type Description



The start point (Unix timestamp) of the time frame to query. The time window that startTs falls in is included in the response.



The end point (Unix timestamp) of the time frame to query. The time window that endTs falls in is not included in the response.



The App ID of your project.



The product for which you want to query the metrics. You can set it to:

Native: The Agora Video SDK for Android, iOS, macOS, and Windows.

WebRTC: The Agora Video SDK for Web.



The metric you want to query. You can set it to one of the following options:

userCount: The total number of users across all in-use channels. A user joining multiple channels is counted multiple times.

channelCount: The total number of channels. A channel is counted once for each period of time between when the first user joins it until the last user leaves it.



The channel name. If you do not specify this parameter, the metric data of your entire project (rather than a specific channel) is returned.

HTTP request example

The following example queries the number of users starting from 00:10:10 to 00:11:10 on September 17, 2021:

GET /beta/realtime/usage/by_time_20sec?startTs=1631837410&endTs=1631837470&appid=axxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx&productType=Native&metric=userCount HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Basic ZGJhZDMyNmFkxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxWQzYTczNzg2ODdiMmNiYjRh

Response parameters

The response contains the following fields:

Field Type Description



The status code. 200 indicates that the request is successful.



The error message.



An array consisting of the following fields:

The metric field specified in the request.

ts: The Unix timestamp of the start point of the corresponding time window.

Response example

For the previous HTTP request example, the response includes data of the following time windows:

  • [00:10:00, 00:10:20] on September 17, 2021

  • [00:10:20, 00:10:40] on September 17, 2021

  • [00:10:40, 00:11:00] on September 17, 2021

    "code": 200,
    "message": "success",
    "data": [
    "userCount": 112,
    "ts": 1631837400
    "userCount": 113,
    "ts": 1631837420
    "userCount": 114,
    "ts": 1631837440

Query real-time quality metrics

This method queries the real-time values of quality metrics such as the audio or video freeze rate.

  • Method: GET

  • Endpoint: /beta/realtime/quality/by_time_20sec

Request parameters

The following query string parameters are required in the URL:

Parameter Type Description



The start point (Unix timestamp) of the time frame to query. The time window that startTs falls in is included in the response.



The end point (Unix timestamp) of the time frame to query. The time window that endTs falls in is not included in the response.



The App ID of your project.



The product for which you want to query the metrics. You can set it to one of the following options:

Native: The Agora Video SDK for Android, iOS, macOS, and Windows.

WebRTC: The Agora Video SDK for Web.



The metrics you want to query. You can set it to one of the following options:

joinSuccessRate: The rate at which users attempting to join any channel succeed, which equals Number of users who have joined ÷ Number of attempts to join.

joinSuccessIn5sRate: The rate at which users attempting to join any channel succeed within 5 seconds, which equals Number of users who have joined within 5 seconds ÷ Number of attempts to join.

audioFreezeRate: The rate at which audio freezing occurs, which equals Total audio freeze time ÷ Total audio minutes calculated by the number of streams. Only audio freezes longer than 200 milliseconds are counted.

videoFreezeRate: The rate at which video freezing occurs, which equals Total video freeze time ÷ Total video minutes calculated by the number of streams. Only video freezes longer than 600 milliseconds are counted.

networkDelay: The rate at which network delay occurs, which equals Total end-to-end network delay ÷ Total audio and video minutes calculated by the number of streams. Only end-to-end network delays longer than 400 milliseconds are counted.



The channel name. If you do not specify this parameter, the metric data of your entire project (rather than a specific channel) is returned.



(Optional) The list of user IDs (uid). You need to separate multiple user IDs with commas (for example, uids=10001,10002,10003). You can specify a maximum of 10 user IDs.

The uids parameter takes effect only when you specify the cname parameter.

HTTP request example

The following example queries the network delay rate from 00:10:10 to 00:11:10 on September 17, 2021:

Example 1: uids is not specified

GET /beta/realtime/usage/by_time_20sec?startTs=1631837410&endTs=1631837470&appid=axxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx&productType=Native&metric=networkDelay HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Basic ZGJhZDMyNmFkxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxWQzYTczNzg2ODdiMmNiYjRh

Example 2: uids is specified as 2303692334 and 2963430861

GET /beta/realtime/usage/by_time_20sec?startTs=1631837410&endTs=1631837470&appid=axxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx&productType=Native&metric=networkDelay&cname=demoChannel&uids=2303692334,2963430861 HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Basic ZGJhZDMyNmFkxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxWQzYTczNzg2ODdiMmNiYjRh

Response parameters

The response contains the following fields:

Field Type Description



The xref:[status code]. 200 indicates that the request is successful.



The error message.



An array consisting of the following fields:

The metric field specified in the request.

ts: The Unix timestamp of the start point of the corresponding time window.

(Optional)uid: The user ID specified in the request.

Response example

For the previous HTTP request example, the response includes data of the following time windows:

  • [00:10:00, 00:10:20] on September 17, 2021

  • [00:10:20, 00:10:40] on September 17, 2021

  • [00:10:40, 00:11:00] on September 17, 2021

Example 1: uids is not specified

"code": 200,
"message": "success",
"data": [
"networkDelay": 0.0120,
"ts": 1631837400
"networkDelay": 0.0057,
"ts": 1631837420
"networkDelay": 0.0039,
"ts": 1631837440

Example 2: uids is specified as 2303692334 and 2963430861

"code": 200,
"message": "success",
"data": [
"uid": 2303692334,
"values": [
"ts": 1631837400,
"networkDelay": 0.389
"ts": 1631837420,
"networkDelay": 0.389
"ts": 1631837440,
"networkDelay": 0.389
"uid": 2963430861,
"values": [
"ts": 1631837400,
"networkDelay": 0.389
"ts": 1631837420,
"networkDelay": 0.389
"ts": 1631837440,
"networkDelay": 0.389


Status codes

200The request is successful.
300The API limits are exceeded (Call Search only)
400Invalid parameters.
403Wrong authorization information. The request is forbidden.
404Wrong API invoked.
500Unknown error.

When 300 is returned, you might get the following error messages:

Error messageDescriptionExamples of error fix
qps limit errorThe limit on requests per second is exceeded.If qps limit = 10, ensure that current qps < 10
qpd limit errorThe limit on requests per day is exceeded.If qpd limit = 10000, ensure that current qpd < 10000
query latency limit errorThe limit on data delay is exceeded.If query latency limit = 10s and current time = 1623316864, ensure that end_ts < 1623316864 - 10
query time range limit errorThe limit on available calls is exceeded.If query time range limit = 3d and current time = 1623316864, ensure that start_ts > 1623316864 - 3 * 86400(s)
query time length limit errorThe limit on response content is exceeded.If query time length limit = 3h, ensure that end_ts -start_ts < 3 * 3600(s)
you have no auth to access this service, please buy or upgrade your service packageYou have no access to this service.N/A

Metrics ID

20001App CPU usage.%27%
20002System CPU usage.%15%
20003The upstream bitrate of the audio.Kbps126 Kbps
20004The downstream bitrate of the audio.Kbps108 Kbps
20005The freeze time in rendering the audio.ms106.67 ms
20006The upstream bitrate of the high-quality video stream.Kbps126 Kbps
20007The capturing frame rate of the video.fps16 fps
20008The upstream frame rate of the high-quality video stream.fps12 fps
20009The downstream bitrate of the video.Kbps309 Kbps
20010The downstream frame rate of the video.fps6 fps
20011The freeze time in rendering the video.ms2000.50 ms
20013Quality of Picture (QP) of the video. The lower the value, the higher the video quality.————
20015The upstream packet loss rate of the audio.%1%
20016The end-to-end packet loss rate of the audio.%3%
20017The upstream packet loss rate of the video.%5%
20018The end-to-end packet loss rate of the video.%7%
20019The width of the received video.——360
20020The height of the received video.——640
20021The task scheduling delay.ms2 ms
20022The round-trip time delay from the client to the local router.ms3 ms
20023The upstream frame rate of the low-quality video stream.fps108 fps
20024The upstream bitrate of the high-quality video stream.Kbps472 Kbps
20025The sampling volume of the sent audio.dB105 dB
20026The playback volume of the received audio.dB98 dB
20027The width of the sent video.——360
20028The height of the sent video.——640